Always Try Before you Buy - the Dangers of Buying Shoes Online

Always Try Before you Buy – the Dangers of Buying Shoes Online

As the Society of Shoe Fitters rightly point out, footwear is the only item of clothing that can seriously damage your health. Ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear can directly lead to painful, long-term foot issues that include; arthritis, plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammer toes and more. It is therefore important to use the services of an experienced shoe fitter, choose well-made shoes appropriate to your lifestyle and always try before you buy.

Choosing the Right Summer Sandals

Sandals are like air conditioning for the feet. After months of being closeted inside closed shoes and thick socks, sandals allow your feet to say hello to the world and (if you choose the right brands and the right styles), feel good and look great at the same time.